I am blessed to have the opportunity sometimes to go shopping and get paid for it! Yesterday I had to do a shop at Bi-Lo in Gaffney, and I decided to take J.D. with me on our first date! We went shopping for prizes to bring home to everyone and went out for pizza before we headed to Bi-Lo.
While I know it is important to spend one-on-one time with each of the kids, and I try to do so at home, I have never taken any of them on an actual date. It is just not always the most convenient or cost-efficient thing to do. However, after yesterday I realized that it could be a very good thing for J.D. who seems to be ultra high-need when it comes to needing attention.
He was visibly excited the whole time we were out and told me several times that he loved going on a date. I realized what a great environment it provided to actually go out somewhere. At home there are always distractions of some sort or J.D. ends up getting in trouble (as is his normal custom!) Going out seemed to enable both of us just to be able to concentrate on enjoying each other's company.
We'll definitely have to try it again!
Thanks to Grandma Lockhart for watching the other two kids!
Grandma Lockhart enjoyed her prize too!