We started out by doing our own family's Christmas tree time. We didn't do it on Sunday, apparently because we're "Scrooges", but really just because we thought we'd enjoy it more if we didn't have to rush to do it before church on Sunday.
Kaylah got a robe, and she said, "It's a robot!"
After our Christmas tree time, we headed out for some after Christmas shopping. Kaylah gave us a concert wherever we went. She would not have done this if she had known I was videoing, but this is what most of our car rides sound like wherever we go. I apologize for the bumpy video. You'll also want to turn your speakers all the way up as well as the volume on the video itself.
After a long day of shopping, we headed to McAdenville to drive through the last night of their lights.
And I feel like a terrible mother! I just noticed I didn't take one picture of Ethan all day! He is just the sweetest little boy. He never cries or tries to get attention for himself. Sometimes I guess that's not such a good thing because I forget about him. :(
I will do a whole post just about him next time; how's that?
Such a cute post! One Day JD will be telling his sister to please be quiet or else! Yes, please put a post up about Ethan. He is so sweet.